Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

YARN (MR2 Included) Metrics

Metric Name Description Unit CDH Version
alerts_rate The number of alerts. events per second CDH 5
apps_ingested_rate YARN applications ingested by the Service Monitor Applications per second CDH 5
events_critical_rate The number of critical events. events per second CDH 5
events_important_rate The number of important events. events per second CDH 5
events_informational_rate The number of informational events. events per second CDH 5
health_bad_rate Percentage of Time with Bad Health seconds per second CDH 5
health_concerning_rate Percentage of Time with Concerning Health seconds per second CDH 5
health_disabled_rate Percentage of Time with Disabled Health seconds per second CDH 5
health_good_rate Percentage of Time with Good Health seconds per second CDH 5
health_unknown_rate Percentage of Time with Unknown Health seconds per second CDH 5
yarn_application_adl_bytes_read_rate ADL bytes read. Called 'adl_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_adl_bytes_written_rate ADL bytes written. Called 'adl_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_application_duration_rate How long YARN took to execute this application. Called 'application_duration' in searches. ms per second CDH 5
yarn_application_cm_cpu_milliseconds_rate yarn.analysis.cm_cpu_milliseconds.description ms per second CDH 5
yarn_application_cpu_milliseconds_rate CPU time. Called 'cpu_milliseconds' in searches. ms per second CDH 5
yarn_application_file_bytes_read_rate File bytes read. Called 'file_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_file_bytes_written_rate File bytes written. Called 'file_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_read_rate HDFS bytes read. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_written_rate HDFS bytes written. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_maps_rate The number of Map tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_total' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_application_mb_millis_maps_rate Map memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_maps' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_application_mb_millis_reduces_rate Reduce memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_reduces' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_application_reduces_rate The number of reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_total' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_application_s3a_bytes_read_rate S3A bytes read. Called 's3a_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_s3a_bytes_written_rate S3A bytes written. Called 's3a_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second CDH 5
yarn_application_vcores_millis_maps_rate Map CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_maps' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_application_vcores_millis_reduces_rate Reduce CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_reduces' in searches. items per second CDH 5
yarn_reports_containers_allocated_memory Memory allocated to YARN containers MB seconds CDH 5
yarn_reports_containers_allocated_vcores VCores allocated to YARN containers VCore seconds CDH 5
yarn_reports_containers_used_cpu CPU used by YARN containers Percent seconds CDH 5
yarn_reports_containers_used_memory Memory used by YARN containers MB seconds CDH 5
yarn_reports_containers_used_vcores VCores used by YARN containers VCore seconds CDH 5
yarn_reports_usage_aggregation_duration The duration for generating YARN usage reporting metrics by aggregating YARN container usage metrics ms CDH 5
yarn_reports_usage_apps_with_metadata YARN applications for which container usage was computed and also had metadata Applications CDH 5
yarn_reports_usage_apps_without_metadata YARN applications for which container usage was computed but did not have metadata Applications CDH 5
Page generated May 18, 2018.