Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

Upgrading Whirr


To see which version of Whirr is shipping in CDH 5, check the Version and Packaging Information. For important information on new and changed components, see the CDH 5 Release Notes.

Upgrading Whirr from an Earlier CDH 5 Release to the Latest CDH 5 Release

Step 1: Stop the Whirr proxy.

Kill the process by pressing Control-C.

Step 2: Destroy the Cluster.

Whirr clusters are normally short-lived. If you have a running cluster, destroy it: see Destroying a cluster.

Step 3: Install the New Version of Whirr

See Installing Whirr.

The upgrade is now complete. For more information, see Managing a Cluster with Whirr,and Viewing the Whirr Documentation.

Page generated May 18, 2018.