Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

Upgrading HBase

Coprocessors and Custom JARs

When upgrading HBase from one major version to another, you must recompile coprocessors and custom JARs after the upgrade.

Never rely on HBase directory layout on disk.

The HBase directory layout is an implementation detail and is subject to change. Do not rely on the directory layout for client or administration functionality. Instead, access HBase using the supported APIs.

Upgrading HBase from a Lower CDH 5 Release

  Important: Rolling upgrade is not supported between a CDH 5 Beta release and a CDH 5 GA release. Cloudera recommends using Cloudera Manager if you need to do rolling upgrades.

To upgrade HBase from a lower CDH 5 release, proceed as follows.

The instructions that follow assume that you are upgrading HBase as part of an upgrade to the latest CDH 5 release, and have already performed the steps underUpgrading from an Earlier CDH 5 Release to the Latest Release.

During a rolling upgrade from CDH 5.0.x to CDH 5.4.x the HBase Master UI will display the URLs to the old HBase RegionServers using an incorrect info port number. Once the rolling upgrade completes the HBase master UI will use the correct port number.

Step 1: Perform a Graceful Cluster Shutdown

  Note: Upgrading using rolling restart is not supported.

To shut HBase down gracefully:

  1. Stop the Thrift server and clients, then stop the cluster.
    1. Stop the Thrift server and clients:
      sudo service hbase-thrift stop
    2. Stop the cluster by shutting down the master and the RegionServers:
      • Use the following command on the master node:
        sudo service hbase-master stop
      • Use the following command on each node hosting a RegionServer:
        sudo service hbase-regionserver stop
  2. Stop the ZooKeeper Server:
    $ sudo service zookeeper-server stop

Step 2: Install the new version of HBase

  Note: You may want to take this opportunity to upgrade ZooKeeper, but you do not have to upgrade Zookeeper before upgrading HBase; the new version of HBase will run with the older version of Zookeeper. For instructions on upgrading ZooKeeper, see Upgrading ZooKeeper from an Earlier CDH 5 Release.

To install the new version of HBase, follow directions in the next section, HBase Installation.

  Important: Configuration files
  • If you install a newer version of a package that is already on the system, configuration files that you have modified will remain intact.
  • If you uninstall a package, the package manager renames any configuration files you have modified from <file> to <file>.rpmsave. If you then re-install the package (probably to install a new version) the package manager creates a new <file> with applicable defaults. You are responsible for applying any changes captured in the original configuration file to the new configuration file. In the case of Ubuntu and Debian upgrades, you will be prompted if you have made changes to a file for which there is a new version. For details, see Automatic handling of configuration files by dpkg.
Page generated May 18, 2018.